Friday, November 28, 2014

Featured Feathered Friend - Wood Stork

Sometimes you just get to thinking about a bird and missing it. Recently for me, such a bird has been the Wood Stork. Living in Florida and the Georgia coast for a while, we would regularly see these bizarre but beautiful birds. They would dot small lakes and canals in the sunshine state, as well as appear on the lovely beaches.

Beautiful sunset lighting at Fort De Soto, FL

Once considered endangered, this hearty bird has been recovering successfully as evident in the Southeast. We've had the pleasure of seeing various large groups of these awkwardly magnificent birds in Florida and a large breeding colony in George at Harris Neck NWR. They are mostly silent birds, except when you hear funny barking and gargling noises at the nest.

Just a small section of the nesting Wood Stork Colony at Harris Neck NWR

These birds are so striking with their large white bodies and woody-looking, bald heads. As they soar, you can't miss them with their black flight feathers that glisten with a green sheen during mating season.  So as I reminisce about these lovely birds, I hope you enjoy this photo montage.

A Wood Stork in a tree sometimes seems funny as they are so tall and large

A Vision in White on Blue